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How do you explain to an African church why you are vegan? How do you get your motorcycle taxi driver to leave the oncoming lane? And what do you say to a soldier who is taking a bribe at gunpoint? Africa is perhaps the place on this planet that we in the West know and understand the least. Surprising, magical, beautiful - and last but not least very entertaining!
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Three Men carry a piano up the stairs of an old tenement house. "I have got good and bad news" says the leader after some time. "The good one: We are already in the eighth flooor. " - "And the bad one?", asks a worker. - "It's the wrong house."
For all those who feel like this I wrote this book. It would be the joke of your life if it wasn't your life. You put so much energy, love and time in...
Maybe we should not have started building houses. Since then mankind suffers from five big plagues: Pestilence, cholera, typhoid, yellow fever - and real estate agents. The first four we managed to turn down. Only the last one is getting worse all the time.
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"May I ask you something?" - "No."
And now? Obviously this was a useless question. And unfortunately there a millions of them around. Tall people, immigrants, vegetarians, twin mothers and policemen spend their half life answering them.
This book will prevent you from making a fool of yourself all the time - not only to stop annoying others but also for your own sake. For who wants to hear the...
Even more dialogues from the real life! Meticulously collected by Axel and me and combined to a current portrait of our small and bizarre country. The sequel of our Bestseller "Ich bin eine Dame, Sie Arschloch!" For several weeks on the List of the most bestselling books in Germany!
No longer lost in Denglisch!
You are confused when you read about asap, lol or rofl in a text message? You are afraid of a Teambuilding Incentive? You met Lohas without even recognizing them? And you think Foodwatch is a watch for your nutrition?
Come in and burn out takes you out of the language jungle. Finally you can join any talkshow and even sell a journey resignation insurance to someone...

Sören Sieg (*1966) learned to play the recorder, violin and piano as a child and later the saxophone, trumpet, guitar and drums. He studied Sociology, Politics and Music in Hamburg and Bielefeld. He toured with his a cappella group LaLeLu for 18 years throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since 2012 he has lived as a composer and author in Hamburg. He has published ten books and numerous works for classical ensembles that are played all around the world. read more »