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How do you explain to an African church why you are vegan? How do you get your motorcycle taxi driver to leave the oncoming lane? And what do you say to a soldier who is taking a bribe at gunpoint? Africa is perhaps the place on this planet that we in the West know and understand the least. Surprising, magical, beautiful - and last but not least very entertaining! In 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2021 I...
In this anthology of Hamburg Literature you will find a part of my third novel Böse Geister (Evil Spirits). The smart politician Christian Herz is supposed to win the election in the northern sea state Eider-Deichland for the left-wing party, after the popular president had a fatal accident while inaugurating a wind power station. What first appears to be an easy task - his opponent is the...
Jonathan finds out that his mother cheats on his father. And vice versa. Then his disgusting event manager uncle Mathew comes for christmas with his embarrassing french wife Marie, and it seems that all secrets will be revealed ... In my tale Xoxo I show why christmas is a demon, adults are digital idiots and drug mushrooms also have their silver linings.
My tale Die verlorenen Brüder (The Lost Brothers) is about the two unequal brothers Jacques and Jean. Jacques writes clichè-filled family comedies for german TV what Jean is detesting; he himself writes the big 70s-novel for 20 years now and never has published anything - he is 45 and still lives on his parents. On Christmas Jean invites the whole family to make an important announcement. But...
My tale Kurt im Glück (Happy Kurt) is about two cousins that meet each other every christmas. One of them is photographer for Renault and is successful with women without any effort; the other one is System Administrator with a local forklift company and whatever he tries he could never get layed. Till his cousin Kurt gives him a really good advice ...
This anthology contains a part of my second novel Aufzeichnungen aus dem Untergrund (Records from the Underground): Joachim Malitz is a poet and adress decoder for the german post. He insists on living on poems that noone wants to read and grumbles around as futile as funny, till he meets the Rilke Biographer Balthasar Schellenbaum. Now he discovers the big secret behind the world of literature...


Sören Sieg (*1966) learned to play the recorder, violin and piano as a child and later the saxophone, trumpet, guitar and drums. He studied Sociology, Politics and Music in Hamburg and Bielefeld. He toured with his a cappella group LaLeLu for 18 years throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since 2012 he has lived as a composer and author in Hamburg. He has published ten books and numerous works for classical ensembles that are played all around the world. read more »