Flutes en bloc
Submitted by Sören on Tue, 05/16/2017 - 21:03

On this CD Anette Bahe, Ebba-Maria Künning and Corinna Fröhlich recorder my first two African Suites Djaboué and Pina ya Phala for Recorder Trio - simply excellent!
The whole content:
1 - 3: Sören Sieg: Pina ya phala, African Suite No. 2.
4 Thomas Lupo: Pavan
5 Anonymus: Saltarello
6 John Dunstable: O rosa bella
7 - 9 Djaboué, African Suite No. 1
10 Thomas Lupo: Fantasie
11 Heinrich VIII: Consort IX
12 Matthias Maute: Les Barricades (1989)
13 - 15 Johann Sebastian Bach: Dreistimmige Sinfonien Nr. 11, 6 und 7
16 Willem Wander van Nieuwkerk: Kadanza
17 - 19: Willam and Anthony Holborne: Heere rest my thoughts - Coranto 'Heigh Ho Holiday' - Gush fourth my teares
20 Martin Nitz: ACE
21 Tico Tico
54 Minutes
14,90 Euro