Jangu Wano

Ten More Pieces fro Soprano or Tenor Recorder and Piano

1. Bird at sunset
2. Noka ee tona
3. Magic Bubbles
4. Hivyo ndivyo
5. Sad Song
6. Her beautiful eyes
7. Her last smile
8. Lost love
9. Watching the stars
10. Sparkling love

After the great success of "Karungi", my "Ten easy pieces for soprano / tenor recorder and piano", here comes the second volume, so to speak - a little more difficult in parts, but still so easy that I can play all the pieces at sight without practicing. Despite the technical simplicity of the recorder part, these pieces mean a lot to me, they are among my favorite works and are musically suitable for concerts and exams!
The pieces are a cross-section of my work: From the opening piece from Umlanjana (Bird at sunset) and the slow middle movements from the African Suites No. 2 (noka ee tona), No. 20 (Sad Song) and No. 23 (Magic Bubbles), the fast final movement of Wakati njema (Hivyo ndivyo), a piece from the solo collection Ukuvalelisa (Her beautiful eyes) and three pieces from my collection Inkamyamba for guitar duo (Watching the Stars, Her last smile and Sparkling love) to the unpublished Lost love. Please don't be put off by the many semiquavers in Lost Love: The tempo is very slow, the piece is not difficult to play!
All pieces are very emotional, they try to express certain feelings musically: unbridled joy (Sparkling love) and crazy excitement (Hivyo ndivyo), the enchantment through the eyes of the beloved (Her beautiful eyes) or soap bubbles in a circus arena (Magic bubbles), the contemplation of a calm river (noka ee tona), the wistful memory of a rendezvous (Her last smile), thinking about life while watching the sunset (Bird at sunset) and the starry sky (Watching the stars), deep sadness (Sad Song) and the longing for a lover who left (Lost love). Dare to bring these feelings to life in your playing!

The pieces can be played on soprano or tenor recorder; the piano accompaniment for the soprano recorder version is in the score, the piano accompaniment for the tenor recorder version in the enclosed piano part (only the first four pieces, in the other pieces there is no difference). As some of the piano parts are not very easy, you can get mp3s of the piano playbacks from me on request.

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24,90 Euro