1991 – The Hamburg Comedy People in the beginning of the 90s (from left to right): Friedhelm Mönter (radio host), Eddy Winkelmann (singer-songwriter), Gabriel Laub (satirical author), Anneliese Braasch (Lower German diseuse), Annette Mayer, me, Erika Lill (Director of the Comedy Club The Spectrum), Günter Harte (decade-long-newspaper-columnist), Nana Gualdi (pop star of the Fifties, biggest hit: Young People need love), and down at the stairs the chansonnier Joe Luga, whom I appreciated very much. When Gabriel Laub dies 1998, I win the Gabriel-Laub-Price of the Hamburg Authors Association with the satire The Jury; unfortunately the heirs retrospectively forbid the use of Laub's name.