Oh, wie schön ist Afrika!

In this July Goldmann published my twelfth book, Oh how beautiful is Africa! about my experiences during couchsurfing in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa and Ghana in 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2021.

How do you explain to an African church why you are vegan? How do you get your motorcycle taxi driver to leave the oncoming lane? And what do you say to a soldier who is taking a bribe at gunpoint?

Africa is perhaps the place on this planet that we in the West know and understand the least. Surprising, magical, beautiful - and last but not least very entertaining!
This is definitely my most personal book!

You can read the first chapter here:
https://www.welt.de/reise/staedtereisen/plus241191741/Couchsurfing-in-Af... Eine-unvergessliche-Nacht-in-Kenia.html

If you order the book here on the site, I can write you a personal dedication!