So long. Suite for Flute solo

Solo pieces for melody instruments are a very special thing to compose: very rewarding, because the player can exercise a great amount of freedom in phrasing and tempo, leading the music to the highest virtuosity as well as emotional depth; and quite difficult, because you only have this one instrument to create melody, groove, rhythm, and harmony. And third, it's quite a challenge to compete with the already written solo literature—for me, Bach’s solo Suites for violin and violoncello are his absolute masterpieces. And indeed, the first movement of this suite - So Kind - is a sort of tribute to Bach's famous solo suite style. The second movement, So sad, by sharp contrast, takes its tone and atmosphere from traditional Spanish folkloric music. The third movement, finally, is written in my typical African style - major scales, joyful atmosphere and syncopations all over, contrasted with the steady groove provided by the foot tapping on the 2 and 4. So happy - that's the mood that always fascinated me with the music from Sub-Saharan Africa, and that I have sought to bring to classical concert halls since I began composing.
I am providing the Suite in two versions - a more simple one in a medium level of difficulty, and a quite virtuoso one for recitals.
I wish to thank Katharine Rawdon, who played a brilliant premiere of the difficult version of the Suite in February 2018 at the Flute Festival in Porto - a beautiful venue, a fantastic festival and a wonderful performance, which you can also watch on YouTube:
Please notice in that video the sophisticated way Katharine Rawdon used variations and nuances in the sound and volume of foot tapping to emphasize the character of the music. I didn't want to fix that in the score - please take your personal freedom in improvising here, but keep that creative space in mind!
I am always delighted to receive recordings and comments: