Suite sentimentale. For Recorder Trio ATB/ TTB/ ATB

Unfortunately, my favourite composers, Ravel and Débussy, did not write anything for recorders. I wrote the Suite sentimentale in 1998 for those who love impressionist harmonies as much as I do, but particularly for the Berlin ensemble, Dreiklang.
But sentimental doesn’t just mean nostalgic in the sense of a longing for Débussy-esque major seventh chords; it also means soulfully: the doleful middle movement, L’Heure du chagrin, and the jubilant, exuberant final movement, Moment du bonheur, which I particularly like. The opening movement, Jours d’amour, is predominantly very sing-song in style: a flowing melody over alternating, diverse soundscapes. And just as was the case in works by the role models Ravel and Débussy, a silent, imperceptible melancholy sweeps over everything, and is particularly noticeable at the end of the first movement, like a sad smile.
Score and three Parts.